White Rock Ranch Horse Rescue Special Show and Talk at Pioneertown next Saturday. Come and check out what rescues horse can do and learn more about horse adoption. Enjoy food, Live Entertainment, WTT interactive performance and more!
- Published in 2019 Event, Event, News
Grads at this college earn the most!
CNBC News, Abigail Hess covers a story that may effect your decision in higher education.
Statistically speaking, going to a top college do have an effect on your careers pay. But considering other factors such as high cost tuition and low wage growth, where you spend your college years has become more important than ever before.
Let’s take a look on top 10 colleges where graduates earn the most…Guess what?
Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, a liberal arts college that focuses on undergraduate engineering and science is on the top.
1. Harvey Mudd College
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3. United States Naval Academy
4. Stanford University (tie)
4. California Institute of Technology (tie)
6. Harvard University (tie)
6. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (tie)
8. United States Military Academy
9. Princeton University
10. SUNY Maritime College
Read more: Grads at this college earn the most—and it’s not MIT, Harvard or Stanford
- Published in News
Ethiopia’s Incredible Economic Rise
Dan Kopf of Good News report the story behind Ethiopia’s incredible economic development. The story covers the economic progress since 2000, when Ethiopia was the 3rd poorest country in the world, how the country could become the “New China” with it’s amazing 10.8% average annual economic growth between 2004 and 2014.
- Published in News
CNN News, Jenni Marsh reports a story about how Addis Ababa become a “Chinese City.”
Read more: Skyscrapers, trains and roads: How Addis Ababa came to look like a Chinese city
- Published in News
President Mulatu Teshome and World Organization for Sustainability of Leadership Executive Director Paul Bogaardt held discussion about empowering Ethiopian students to become change agents in transforming sustainable development.
Read More: President, WOSL Executive Director Discuss about Making Students Change Agents in Technology
- Published in 2018 UN Junior Ambassador Program, News
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